Jennifer Maul, MSN, RN, NC-BC
Jenn Maul is an RN and board-certified Nurse Coach with more than 22 years of experience in healthcare, the majority as a Nurse Educator within Sutter Health and she is currently at Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital as a clinical educator. Her passion and drive for obtaining her specialty certification in nurse coaching stems from her own burnout experience as a nurse Director and the desire to help other nurses heal from and ideally preventing burnout by starting with caring for themselves and influencing change to support them better while at work. Starting in June 2022, with the support of Administration, she began developing a staff well-being program to decrease burnout, improve staff satisfaction, and retention. This program has included offering nurse mindfulness education during skills days, the creation of a Zen Den, a multidisciplinary Well-being Workgroup, monthly creativity classes, developing Malama pouches for providing comfort and support to staff on a tough day, and more! In March 2023 she launched the "First Year RN Support Program" which offers dedicated support for RNs new to the hospital at several touchpoints throughout their first year. This program has been very successful with a 17% decrease in first year turnover in 2023. While continuing the existing work we hope to expand our offerings to include additional peer support and programs in the future.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:03/29/2024Date updated:05/09/2024