Paige Nickelsen, PharmD, BCCCP
Paige Nickelsen, PharmD, BCCCP is a native of South Carolina earning Bachelor of Science in Biology from Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC and Bachelor of Professional Studies from Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY. In May 2019, Paige completed her PharmD from Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy, Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY. After completing pharmacy school, she moved to Charleston, SC to complete PGY1 Traditional Residency and PGY2 Critical Care Residency at the Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. Currently, Paige works as an Inpatient Staff Pharmacist at UCSD Health in San Diego, CA. Paige has a strong passion for critically ill patients, clinical research, and teaching/mentoring. Outside of work, Paige enjoys running, biking, kayaking, watching baseball and spending time with her husband and golden doodles (Kona & Riggs).
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:05/23/2023Date updated:07/25/2023