Felipe Salech, MD-PhD
I´m a MD, specialist in Internal Medicine/Geriatrics, with a PhD in Medical Sciences. This curriculum, and my
scientific productivity, allowed me to obtain a position as an academic at the Faculty of Medicine of the
University of Chile, dedicating half of my time to research and half in clinical practice in geriatric medicine.
Because of my PhD-MD curriculum I maintain active relationships with investigators dedicated basic science -
mainly in neurosciences- as well as from the clinical world. My main interest as a geriatrician is to help older
people maintain their functionality and quality of life throughout their lives. For this reason, I have a special
interest in applying concepts of Geroscience (the interaction between the biology of aging and the
pathophysiology of age-related chronic diseases) as a framework to achieve this goal. I have special interest in
the study of delirium, because it is underrated determinant of functional impairment in older people that
requires research. I have awarded research grants from Chilean government agencies for the development of
research in delirium. I´m a Principal Investigator (PI), at “Centro de Investigación Clínica Avanzada (CICA),
Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile”, running a research line in interventions to prevent delirium. I´m the
director of the proyect FONDECYT iniciación 11190882 “PARP-1 inhibition: a novel target for delirium
prevention” and deputy director of the proyect FONDEF AM ID16AM0080 "Estimulación Cognitiva guiada por
Software Previene el Delirium en el Adulto Mayor Hospitalizado", dedicated to the development of a software
to facilitate the implementation of non-pharmacological interventions to prevent delirium in hospitalized older
Aging / Research / Delirium / Geriatrics
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:05/07/2023Date updated:05/07/2023