Sumera Ahmad, MD

I work in the realm of clinical medicine in pulmonary and critical care. Engaging in clinical research for me is observing for gaps in care for my patients and helping improve quality of care. I was inspired by my mentors and taught by my patients, as I started learning of the lost niche of humanizing medicine waiting to be reclaimed by all of us. In the area of critical care medicine, I started exploring the area of patient centered care. Some aspects include defining outcomes meaningful to patients. The fragmentation of caring by industrial health care resulting in burdensome sequelae to patients and providers, can be repaired. Amongst many methods of humanizing care in the ICU, we are exploring the role of the Get to Know Me board. Preserving personhood and its implications on meaningful outcomes are some important goals. We start here with qualitative studies that are crucial to do when exploring solutions to such problems.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:05/03/2023Date updated:05/03/2023