Michelle Nai, MSN, RN, GERO-BC

Michelle Nai MSN, RN, GERO-BC is currently employed at Hartford Hospital in Hartford Connecticut as a Geriatric Nurse Educator. She also serves at the NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Health- systems Elders) coordinator for Hartford Hospital. She facilitates learning for nurses from novice to expert with a focus on Age-Friendly care and early identification, treatment and management of delirium. She trains and oversees volunteers for a variety of geriatric programs and the Geriatric Patient Care Assistant (GPCA) educational classes. She has served as a research assistant for a study that focused on the use of multisensory interventions to improve long term cognitive outcomes in hospitalized older adults. She manages and overseas Hartford Hospital multisensory room “Therapeutic Hub”. She recently co-authored articles focused on delirium education of nursing student during the COVID-19 pandemic and the implication of NICHE evidence-based protocols as well authoring Hartford Hospital quarterly Age-Friendly geriatric newsletter. In 2021 she received the Nightingale award for her work related to geriatric best practices.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:05/09/2023Date updated:05/17/2024