Marketa Houskova, DNP, MAIA, BA, RN
Dr. Marketa Houskova started with ANA\C about 7 years ago as a volunteer passionate about nursing, policy, politics. In October 2017, Marketa was named Executive Director. Marketa was born under Communistic Regime in then-Czechoslovakia and immigrated to US via England & Canada pursuing her American Dreams. Next to nursing degree, she holds BA in Political Science & Women’s Studies, dual-track Masters in Global Public Health Administration & Regional Development, and Doctor of Nursing Practice in Executive Leadership of Healthcare Systems. Marketa has been actively involved in political campaigns in US & Europe, received Fellowship at European Parliament, and served as a political advisor.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:03/04/2024Date updated:03/04/2024