Melinda Glines, MD
Dr. Melinda Glines is board-certified in both family medicine and addiction medicine. She completed her residency training at UCSF-Sutter Santa Rosa and went on to serve with LifeLong Medical Care as a primary care physician and Chair of Pharmacy and Therapeutics. Later she joined The Permanente Medical Group as a primary care physician, Wellness Lead, Opioid Safety Lead, and Chair of the East Bay Regional Controlled Medication Multidisciplinary Case Conference Committee. She completed the Northern California Kaiser Permanente Addiction Medicine Fellowship in June 2023 and is now the Medical Director of Merritt Peralta Treatment Services (MPI), a hospital-based substance use disorder treatment program located on the Alta Bates Summit campus.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:11/15/2023Date updated:06/07/2024