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You are receiving this request because our records indicate that you attended Wound Care Education Day on 10/30/2024. We would greatly appreciate if you filled out this quick survey for us regarding this activity. We are trying to measure if this activity influenced any practice change. 

Here is a refresher on the course learning objectives:

1. Learners will demonstrate the ability to accurately assess and document wound characteristics, including size, depth, and type, using standardized terminology to ensure effective communication and continuity of care.

2. Learners will enhance their skills in conducting comprehensive wound assessments, including identifying various types of wounds, understanding the stages of healing, and recognizing signs of infection.

3. Learners will learn and practice advanced wound care techniques, including appropriate dressing selection, debridement methods, and application of topical agents to promote optimal healing.


Very likely Likely Unlikely Very unlikely
How likely are you to use new information or skill learned as a result of this class?
(Write N/A if not applicable)
(Leave blank if not applicable)