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**If you are not a clinician, you can mark medication/diagnosis related questions as Does Not Apply 6-year-old boy with history of multiple food allergies -peanuts, avocado, and strawberry. At 6 months old his milk formula switched to different type and ended up using alimentum. Per mom spitting up and not gaining weight. At 2 years old admitted in the hospital for respiratory distress. Lab test done positive for RSV and Influenza A. He was discharged on albuterol and ICS. Mom will use albuterol at least once a day for several weeks during winter season. Mom afraid of steroid and did not start ICS. Per mom no diagnosis of asthma given to her. He had used several courses of prednisone in the past. They have several cats and birds. Lily, his favorite cat will sleep on his bed. Grandma smokes outside, older brother vaping, and they live close to the freeway. During kindergarten camp had exposure to some plants and developed itchy rashes more on the cheeks, flexor and extensor areas extremities and neck. Benadryl and hydrocortisone OTC helped. 5 months ago, he was seen by PCP due to recurrent URI symptoms and on PE he had some exp wheezes. He was dx with asthma and given albuterol and ICS. His PCP educated the patient on asthma medications and when, how to give it and signs and symptoms to observe. PCP asked if she has any questions and none. It was ending the day and mom needed to pick up rest of the children from daycare.
**If you are not a clinician, you can mark medication/diagnosis related questions as Does Not Apply 17-year-old male patient with history of asthma. He was dx at 4 years of age and on inhaled corticosteroid on and off and long- acting beta 2-agonist as needed. He started vaping and smoking at 13 years old. He lives with grandpa most of the time. They have a barn and love to help grandpa. At 7 years old after eating Chinese noodles with peanut oil he developed increased work of breathing and wheezing causing him to be admitted in the hospital and transferred to the PICU for impending intubation. He was discharged after 7 days on ICS and LABA. Referral to pulmonologist and allergist done. He did well and referral not done. While in school he is in sports -soccer and swimming. Unfortunately, 2 years ago he got Covid 19 infection. The grandfather noted he needed to refill his albuterol and ICS every month. At nighttime he will wake up 2x in a week to use his albuterol. Sometimes his grandpa will give him extra ICS to help him breath. 6 months ago, he stopped doing sports due to chest pain. He was seen by cardiologist and cleared. He missed doses of ICS since per patient not helping him anymore. He was started on prednisone 30 mg BID for 5 days with some help. They called PCP and given another 5 days course of prednisone. Grandpa was concerned because last year he will be given prednisone for 5 days and better for at least 2 months. He had 5 courses of prednisone last year, 2 weeks ago, he developed cough and nasal congestion, seen by PCP Grandpa brought him to follow up with PCP. He gained weight and with increase hair distribution. He looks depress and refusing to help him in the barn, staying in his room most of the time. No more sports.