How do I create an account?
Click “Create Account” found on the top right corner of the home page.
Complete the form to create a new account.
Reminder: Create only one account in this learning management system.
How do I log into my account?
Navigate to the home page.
Click on the "Log in" link in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Enter your username and password into the text fields.
Click the "Log in" button.
How do I edit my account?
Click on “My Account” in the top banner on the left.
Once on the “My Account” page, click the “Edit” tab to make updates or changes.
How do I edit my mobile number?
Navigate to the home page.
Log in to the portal.
Click on the "My Account" link at the top right corner of the page.
Click on the "Edit" tab" at the top of the page.
Click on the "Mobile" subtab.
Edit the mobile phone number (not a requirement, but highly recommended).
Select a country.
Click "Confirm Number."
Forgotten Username/Password
How do I reset my password?
Follow the prompt “Have you forgotten your password?” given when the incorrect password is entered OR
Click on “Log in” and click on “Request new password” OR
Click “Register” and choose “Request new password”.
How do I search for courses in my specialty?
Search under “Catalog table” and refine for category, format, or sell price.
How do I register for a course?
Click on the course and then click on the “Register” tab.
Course Information
Will a course save my progress if I need to step away and return to it later?
Yes, it will automatically save your progress.
How do I return to a course I’ve already registered for and resume it?
Under the “My Account” tab click on “Course”.
Click the course as appropriate.
Click “Take course”.
Click “Resume course”.
How do I mark my attendance via text?
- Text the six-character SMS code provided by the course faculty to, 916-866-7913 (please double check the code before sending and be mindful of auto correct)
If you do not have a Sutter CPD Portal account built, you must create one to successfully match your profile to your attendance record.
- After texting the SMS code an alert will be sent that you do not have a profile on file; however, your attendance has been recorded (this is stored in connection to the telephone # used). You will be prompted to respond with an email address so further instructions can be sent on how to create a profile.
- Respond to the text with the email of choice (if you are a Sutter worker please use the email convention, first name, last [email protected]). Check your email for a link to the Ethos registration page.
- Use the link provided to access the registration page, “Create New Account” will appear on the page. Enter your email, password, first/last name, phone number (no spaces or dashes), location, credentials, licensure board, etc. All fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.
- Log in to your account and proceed to your “Pending Activities”.
How do I find my “Pending Activities”?
- Navigate to My Current Courses from the homepage.
- Locate the “Pending Activities” tab for any activities which you have attended but not completed. Course will be listed, select accordingly to proceed with course tests/quizzes, evaluation, and credit claiming.
- All completed activities will appear under the “Completed Activities” tab.
- You may download individual certificates or a transcript from the “Completed Activities” tab.
How do I download my transcript?
Select the “My Account” tab click on Transcript.
Download a PDF of completed, pending or external credit activities.
How do I go to see my credits from past courses?
Under the “My Account” tab click on Transcript.
Choose “Completed activities,” “Pending activities” or “External credits”.
Credits from past courses can be searched by title or within a date range.
Transcripts can be viewed, downloaded, or printed.
How can I download a certificate?
Under the “My Account” tab click on “Transcript”.
Click “Certificate” for any course as appropriate.
How do I add external credit awarded outside of the organization?
Log in to the Sutter CPD Portal.
Navigate and click on "My Account".
Click the "My Activities" tab.
Click "External Credits."
Click "Add Credits”.
Type in the Course name, Date Completed, and Credit hours. A certificate may be uploaded.
Click "Save."
External credit entered appears on the page. The data may be filtered by date or downloaded as a PDF.
Technical Questions
Which Browser should I use for the Sutter CPD Portal?
- Sutter CPD Portal works with most modern web-browsers (e.g., Chrome, Internet Explorer, MS Edge, Safari). Please note that all functions of the portal will not work on Internet Explorer. It is advised that you use one of the browsers mentioned above.
Do I need to have Adobe Reader to participate in courses?
A PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, will be required to participate in some courses.
Can I participate in CE on a mobile device?
- Yes, however; Icons may appear smaller or different on a phone/tablet. Videos played back may need buffering depending on your internet speed and connection. Click the course as appropriate.
What should my computer setup look like? Do I need a webcam/microphone/speakers?
- Instructor-led, interactive classes require a microphone if students wish to ask questions verbally. Pre-recorded classes do not require a webcam or a microphone but require a speaker or headphones.
Help Resources
- For questions relating to an educational activity listed on this website, please email your local CME Coordinator. You may also email the CPD Team directly at: [email protected]
- For technical support please contact: [email protected]. If the CPD Team cannot resolve for your we will create a service ticket and escalate to the EthosCE Support Team.