0 (not at all likely to recommend) - 10 (extremely likely to recommend)
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
The course/program met the stated learning objectives.
The instructor(s) were effective.
As a result of participating in this course/ program, I am confident I will improve my competence or performance.
Help: Explain why you believe the course/program did not meet the stated learning objectives, what was ineffective about the facilitation, or why you do not feel this course/program will contribute to your improved competence and/or performance.
I agree that cultural humility is relevant to my work and apply this to practice in every encounter.
When other people use biased language or behavior, I feel comfortable speaking up, asking them to refrain, and stating my reasons.
As a clinician, I hold every person in their highest regard, be aware of, and do not allow unconscious biases to interfere in any interactions or care decisions.
0 (not at all likely to recommend) - 10 (extremely likely to recommend), N/A (Not applicable/ did not attend)
0 (not at all likely to recommend) - 10 (extremely likely to recommend), N/A (Not applicable/ did not attend)
0 (not at all likely to recommend) - 10 (extremely likely to recommend), N/A (Not applicable/ did not attend)